For Workers
Injured Workers

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Navigating a work injury does not have to be difficult but it can often be overwhelming.
If you have been injured at work and you are likely to be off work for more than a few weeks, contact Mend. Mend specialises in helping you through the recovery process to ensure that you return to work, safely.
The injured worker can:
Choose their own Doctor AND Workplace Rehabilitation Provider (such as Mend)
Ensure suitable duties are meaningful
Receive treatment for their injury
Be supported to find new employment
Be provided with adequate information about workers compensation
Mend can help you with:
Working with your employer, treating doctors and the insurance company
Organising other services such as gym programs or hydrotherapy and other treatment options
Making sure your workplace is safe for you to return to and that duties provided to you are suitable
Provision of advice on other job options and organise any training you need
All of these services are at no cost to you
Mend is independent of insurance companies which ensures that you receive impartial advice. Mend is the only workplace rehabilitation provider that specialises in the construction industry and other industries, such as health care, heavy manual occupations and manufacturing. Mend is run by health professionals with extensive experience in looking after the needs of people who have been injured at work.