Safe Work Australia (SWA) says the guide is particularly useful for employers and workers in the transport, postal/warehousing, construction and public administration and safety industries, as well as labourers and protective service workers.
Managing the risks of working in heat has information on different types of heat (sun, machinery, clothing, as well as hard, prolonged manual labour) and how to recognise and act if a worker has been heat affected. There are also tips on how to minimise hazards associated with working in heat.
The legal duties of PCBUs, company officers, workers and even designers, manufacturers and importers are highlighted.
Managing the risks of working in heat also refers to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland's Heat stress (basic) calculator, a very useful tool to help identify and manage risk of heat related illness. SWA also suggests the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) is a useful source for up to date information, particularly if your employees work outdoors or somewhere where environmental conditions can affect temperature and humidity.
BOM forecasts the location and severity of heatwaves across the state and one of the indices is for apparent temperature, which is calculated using ambient temperature and relative humidity, to help estimate exactly how hot it really feels for workers.
Further information
A first aid fact sheet and a risk management fact sheet are included in Managing the risks of working in heat. Read more at