The OHS Regulations cover general duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act), various physical hazards, hazardous substances and materials and hazardous industries.
Work practices have changed considerably over the last 10 years, so there is a significant opportunity for modernisation of the regulations.
New OHS and EPS Regulations will be made before the current regulations sunset in June 2017 and will support Victoria's position as having the safest workplaces in Australia.
It is proposed to make changes that streamline and modernise the content of the Regulations, to better reflect current Victorian work practices.
Regulatory Impact Statement
As part of the review, Deloitte Access Economics (Deloitte) has been engaged by the Victorian Government to develop a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS).
This RIS estimates the current impact of the OHS and EPS Regulations, and the extent of any associated health and safety benefits or time and cost savings resulting from any potential changes to the regulations for businesses in Victoria.
It also sets out the likely impacts (costs and benefits) and discusses other regulatory and non–regulatory alternatives.
Proposed OHS Regulations, EPS Regulations, and Regulatory Impact Statement were made available for public comment.
Learn more about OHS Regulations Reform consultation and stakeholder engagement.
Credit: WorkSafe Victoria (28.03.17)