August is Tradies Health Month
“Our research shows that the most common cause of injury involves muscular stress while lifting, carrying or putting down objects and the most common type of serious claim involves traumatic joint injuries,” said Ms Baxter.
“In particular, the construction industry is hazardous by nature and we work collaboratively with regulators, industry, unions and the community to identify the causes of injury and finding solutions to help tradies stay safe at work.”
Throughout August, Safe Work Australia will shine a spotlight on tradies’ health and safety.
“Ultimately, we want every tradie to go home to their family, free from harm,” Ms Baxter said.
“We recommend having a conversation with your work health and safety regulator about how you can make your worksite a safer place to be,” said Ms Baxter.
Source: Safe Work Australia’s National Data Set for Compensation-based Statistics, 2014-15.
*Data originally published on 28/07/2016 has been updated.