How will the rebate help my business?
Smarter businesses are more competitive
The small business rebate gives money back to small business owners who adopt a solution to a safety problem in their workplace. Investing in safety solutions helps you:
- prevent incidents, illnesses and costs to your business
- build safety skills for you and your staff
- access free safety advice
- demonstrate to your community that you are serious about workplace health and safety.
What is covered?
Reduce your highest risks
The rebates aim to reduce the highest potential costs and risks to your business.
You can receive a rebate on a full cost basis up to a maximum $500 towards the cost of purchasing and installing eligible safety equipment that addresses:
- manual tasks
- slips, trips and falls
- chemicals and dangerous goods
- hazardous noise
- injuries from moving objects
What do I need to do?
To apply for a rebate
You must be a small business owner in NSW, with 0–50 full-time employees (or equivalent).
You can claim for more than one safety solution at the same time but can only apply for the rebate once. Applications must be lodged within six months of the date of an eligible WorkCover safety workshop, live webinar, program, event or advisory visit attendance.
Step 1 – Attend
First, attend an eligible WorkCover safety workshop, live webinar, program, event conducted by WorkCover, or have an advisory visit from a WorkCover officer.
Step 2 – Solution
Select and implement a safety solution (see link below) from the list on pages 2 and 3 and get a *paid tax invoice, receipt or proof of purchase. The item you would like to purchase must be purchased after you attend an eligible safety WorkCover event, as outlined in Step 1.
Step 3 – Claim
Claim up to a $500 rebate by completing and signing page 5 of the application form.
The application form is available by calling 13 10 50 or via the link below
Step 4 – Receive
Send copies of your paid tax invoice(s), receipt or proof of purchase with your completed application form to WorkCover:
Small Business Rebate Program
Locked Bag 2906
Lisarow NSW 2252
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (02) 9287 5514
* Paid invoice, receipt or proof of purchase needs to be from a registered business. State supplier’s name, address, ABN/ACN/BRN, payment date, cost and description of product or work undertaken.
Source: WorkCover NSW
WorkCover NSW Fact Sheet & Application Form.pdf |